
Standing Committees

In order to operate University business efficiently, the board has established four general categories of committees - organizational, business affairs, academic affairs, and miscellaneous.  In addition to a board-appointed Executive Committee, there are five standing committees who fulfill the diverse functions in the governance of the University.

The committees are active throughout the academic year, each meeting an average of two to three times per year with the exception of the Executive Committee which meets approximately eight to ten times a year.  Committee members discuss matters under their purview and make appropriate recommendations, looking both at the long-term vision and short-term goals for their primary focus areas, as well as for the University.

Composed primarily of the board's officers and the chairpersons of standing committees, the principal responsibility of the Executive Committee includes the business affairs of the University.  It is empowered to exercise all of the powers of the Board, when it is not in session, subject to the following exceptions: i) making major academic policy changes or handling business affairs that have a major impact upon academic policy, ii) election/removal of the President, iii) adopting amendments to the governing documents, and iv) electing trustees. 

The Academic Affairs Committee bears responsibility for reviewing and recommending programs integral to fulfilling the academic mission.  Its charge includes i) making proposals to the Board, after consultation with the administration, concerning the expansion or deletion of current academic programs, the structure and operation of new academic programs, and academic policies; ii) recommending board action on tenure candidacy; iii) serving as liaison to the University’s colleges and schools, and iv) evaluating the credentials of persons nominated for honorary degrees and make recommendations to the Board. 

The Audit and Compliance Committee oversees the University’s internal and external audit functions, legal and regulatory matters, the compliance program, and overall institutional compliance with all University, state, federal, and non-governmental agency policies and regulations.  The committee oversees the integrity of the University’s financial statements and reviews the annual tax return before submittal to the board and filing with the IRS. 

The Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving the University’s Plan of Operations, reviewing the administration’s budget policy recommendations, and overseeing budget results compared to plan. In addition, the committee reviews liquidity and financing strategies, and considers construction projects and the disposition of real assets over board authorized thresholds.

The Investments Committee oversees the University’s investment portfolios, advising the administration on investment matters and reviewing changes in investment policies.  The committee is responsible for the engagement and termination of investment counselors and custodians. 

The Student Affairs Committee advises the Board on matters relating to the Division of Student Affairs, which generally includes all areas of student life and campus environment. 

Visiting Committees

In 1982, the University of Miami Board of Trustees established visiting committees to study various aspects of academic life.  Presently there are 13 visiting committees collaborating with each school and college, the library, and athletics. 

Members include trustees and other knowledgeable alumni, industry and community leaders, and distinguished academic scholars and leaders.  The goals of these visiting committees are threefold: i) to provide the dean or unit director with on-going input and feedback on the strategic plan for the unit; ii) to help the school or unit leader to secure the resources necessary for the success of the strategic plan and ensure measurable progress towards the plan’s goals; and iii) to provide the Board and the appropriate Standing Committee with regular updates on the progress of the unit.  Visiting committees meet approximately once a year.
